Rosicrucian Society,
Order of the Hermetic Gold+Rose (RSOHGR)
USA, Europe and Africa

In recent times many people have wondered what a mystic or what mysticism means. The most general misconception about mysticism is that it concerns weird, awesome, or strange phenomena. However, nothing can be far from the truth. The mystic is one who definitely desires and seeks true knowledge.
The mystic believes in the unity of reality. To him, matter, body and mind are but One manifestation of a Single Divine Intelligence. Even time and space are but indications and limitations of human perception, for he considers them as variations of the Absolute One. For him, the fundamental nature of reality is energy – at different vibratory levels. Seen through an electron microscope, matter – never at rest – is moving electrons. And what are electrons but energy.
But he holds upon these concepts not merely as beliefs- for, in the first place, what then differentiates him from the huge mass of humanity who wallow in ignorance? Rather, he holds upon these concepts, which he has verified to be True through the practice of certain methods that validly brought him to these conclusions. These he has verified through his own experience of Samadhi or self-realization, for unless a person experiences this, he is likened unto an animal driven by desires and prey to the twists and turns of mighty karma. This method is scientific for whosoever practices the same methods – like pore breathing and kundalini yoga – will necessarily arrive to the same conclusions. Mysticism is the only way out of solving the great riddle of existence. All great saints, authentic masters, and mystic philosophers went through this process that it needs no more substantiation.
Mysticism molds man into a well-rounded individual. Its purpose is to bring out the best in man – to let his personality blossom into its fullest capacity and its most beautiful and perfect manifestation. Mysticism is man-making. Some would even say it is “superman” –making because man’s exceptional talents, skills and abilities, which normally remain hidden and untapped, are induced to come out in the open, to grow and flourish in stunning magnificence. Mystical personalities include Socrates, Plato, Francis Bacon, St. Germaine, Galileo, Sir Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, Rene Descartes, Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Benjamin Franklin, Nicholas Roerich, and the Filipino hero, Dr. Jose Rizal.
The true mystic is then very rarely the ascetic who shuns society and escapes the necessary vital experiences of being with people. More commonly, mystics are the individuals at the forefront of various fields of human endeavor. They are the leaders, pacesetters, inventors, philanthropists, exceptional-whom, more often than not, the public knows next-to-nothing about. They are the unheard-of-success stories. For the gifts of mysticism include not only the ways and means to the heights of success and accomplishment, but also the zealous love of privacy and seclusion – the mystic sees no need for flattery and public adulation. Vanity is alien to him.
How does mysticism help one to succeed?
Mystical knowledge, as every member of our Order learns, includes insight into subtle but powerful laws of the cosmos. These are laws that govern everything – from the movement of microscopic atoms to the intricacies of human behavior and relationships and on to the complex flurry and bustle of huge man-made systems and macrocosmic phenomena.
With knowledge of these laws, the mystic has a decided edge over his uninitiated fellowmen. He can use his extraordinary wisdom to manifest everything that he so desires.
One such law is the very basic, ironclad of karma. It simply says that whatever you sow, you reap. Sow good, reap good. Sow evil, reap evil. It is neither positive nor negative. Whenever we think, say or do something, we create actions and these actions in turn, create reactions. This law is immutable.
In India, it is generally understood that we come into this life with predestined purpose or activity based on the accumulated actions called sinchit karma. The destiny of the body in one lifetime is called pralabdha karma. So we see that our present existence, the destiny of our being, is “fated.” But in our choices, we are always free.
Unfortunately, the destiny or pralabdha karma, because of heavy karmic load, can take away that freedom of choice. Tendencies from past lives (samskaras) make a slave of us in the present incarnation. Today we are rich, in the next life paupers. Birth after birth, this is what happens. We still have krimayan karma, garnered every second, every moment that allows us to immediately equalize our thoughts or actions. If not equalized or counterbalanced, thoughts and actions become, again, sinchit karma and the chain never ends. But the law is merciful as well as just. It shows a way out.
On this road, we can create our own destiny. We can build the program of our character to regain full control of our lives and free ourselves from the clutches of karmic domination and the overpowering influence of destiny karma.
The human body is composed of cells. Cells are composed of electrons. Within an electron is vibrant energy which is wholly of the nature of consciousness. This consciousness is impersonal. It is called prakriti. It can be tapped and programmed by certain techniques and mental cybernetics. Once tapped, its powerful secrets can change our lives from one of mediocrity to one of greatness. By knowing the electron composition of cells, we can reprogram our habits. Habits beget personality. Personality begets destiny. But ours can be a prakriti field of destiny, a field of success.
All authentic esoteric schools teach that within the body are at least seven chakras or psychic centers. In the causal plane, these are seen by clairvoyant vision, as wheels of light, in the astral plane, as luminous petals of lotuses, and in the physical plane, as glands. These are vitalized and awakened by using concentration and appropriate meditation techniques. One such center is the ajna chakra or pineal gland which, when roused, results in greater appreciation for the high arts such as poetry, music and painting. The brute transforms into a man of culture. The poor man becomes a millionaire! A seeker gains an understanding of the mysteries of existence.
Knowledge of the powers latent in the chakras has been the secret of the fame, wealth, power, magnetism and charisma of kings, pharaohs, and emperors.
Each chakra is infused with God consciousness. It is the source of knowledge, the fountain of truth, the abode of power. The great master Jesus said. “Know you not that you are God’s temple, and that God’s spirit dwells in you?” The chakras, once awakened, take the student into a higher form of consciousness that even a simple shoemaker like Jacob Boehme turned into an erudite philosopher.
A mystery school is always afforded to man suitable and appropriate to his level of development. God gives the knowledge to one's level of development. God gives the knowledge, the power, and the talents, but it is up to man to bring those innate potentialities into full fruition. In the words of a mystic:
“None is poor, O Bhika Everyone hath rubies in his bundle but how to untie the knot
He knows not and thus remains a pauper.” - Bhika
The awakening of the chakras and kundalini is the means through which the seeker can soar the heights of divine or cosmic illumination. Within the archives of the Order are the secret.